Lehigh Libraries preserve collections and expand services in partnership with Eastern Academic Scholars Trust (EAST)

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The Lehigh Libraries have partnered with 81 Eastern Academic Scholars Trust (EAST) libraries to preserve the scholarly record and participate in additional inter-library loan services via the Rosemont Shared Print Alliance. EAST libraries include academic libraries from Maine to Florida and large universities such as University of Maryland to smaller colleges such as Vassar College. These libraries agree to keep and preserve print titles that are unique, titles that are scarcely held, or titles that have high circulation and require more print copies to be retained in library collections. Lehigh has identified over 40,000 titles that will be retained in this partnership and will be available to the other partners for lending. The EAST partnership provides its members an excellent review of their scholarly collections and ensures that these collections are accessible to all the member libraries.

Toni Morrison Book Club

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In celebration of the powerful legacy of Nobel Laureate Toni Morrison's work, the Bethlehem Area Public Library (BAPL) will be hosting virtual book discussion throughout 2021 of each of Morrison's 11 novels. Open to all, please join us for one book, all, or anything in between.

Celebrate National Poetry Month with Lehigh Libraries

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Founded by The Academy of American Poets, National Poetry Month is celebrating a major anniversary this year. Every April for the past twenty-five years, poets and lovers of poetry have gathered together in person and online to celebrate all aspects of poetry. This year, Lehigh Libraries has a slate of virtual and in-person events as our celebration of National Poetry Month:

Lehigh Libraries bring you The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and the Washington Post!

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Lehigh students, faculty, and staff can now enjoy full online access to The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and the Washington Post, courtesy of the Lehigh Libraries. Full-text of these publications is available via the web sites www.nytimes.com, www.wsj.com, and washingtonpost.com through mobile apps.