As part of our mission to support the use of technology in teaching and learning, we have various pieces of equipment for loan. We strongly recommend that you reserve the needed items ahead of time to ensure availability.
Equipment can be loaned to faculty, students, and staff. Please remember to bring your Lehigh ID.

Digital Media Studio Loans
DMS equipment loans includes video cameras, camcorders, tripods, microphones, projectors, projection screens, portable PA systems, conferencing kits, wireless microphones for use in specific classrooms, digital audio recorders, presentations remotes, and various laptop adapters.
All loans are free and are due back within 48 hours. Users are responsible for any loss or damage to equipment.
Equipment loans are circulated from the DMS Lab in Fairchild Martindale Library room 421.
View Catalog of All Equipment Loaned from the Digital Media Studio Lab
For reservations please contact: or the Digital Media Studio Lab front desk at 610-758-3057.
Laptop Loans
Library and Technology Services provides short-term loaner laptops free of charge to students, faculty and staff in support of academic and Lehigh-related work. Loaner laptops are available to be borrowed for up to a week. To keep a loaner beyond a week requires special approval. Loaner laptops come preinstalled with MS Office, LUapps, VPN, and Zoom. The majority of loaner laptops available are Windows with a limited number of Mac laptops. Borrowing a Mac laptop is subject to availability and requires a reservation in advance.
Obtaining a loaner:
The fastest and easiest way to borrow a laptop is to come the Fairchild-Martindale Library Help Desk/Circulation during normal business hours Mon-Sat.
It would be best to call (610-758-4992) before stopping by to make sure a loaner laptop is available.
If you would like to request a Mac laptop, have a need for multiple computers or would like to reserve a loaner for a future date you can fill out an online request below.
Terms and Conditions:
- Borrowers are responsible for loss, theft or repairs due to accidental damage up to the replacement cost of the laptop.
- Laptops are reformatted upon return. Any data on the computer should be copied off prior to returning.
- Loaner laptops are to be returned to the Fairchild-Martindale Library unless other arrangements are made.
- Laptop Loaner Request Form
Contact Us
Get in touch with Lending Services
- Phone: 610-758-4992
- Email: