Recent Friends of the Libraries Events
The following events were sponsored by the Friends of the Lehigh Libraries. Many events were recorded, and may be viewed from the links below. Detailed program announcements are available for each of these events. A list of events that occurred between 1980-2020 is provided at the end of the page.

Hope Is the Thing With Feathers, November 6, 2024
Hope Is the Thing With Feathers: How Bird Watchers and AI Are Reshaping How We See and Conserve Birds, presented by Dr. Miyoko Chu, Senior Director of Communications at Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Supported by the Friends of the Lehigh University Libraries

MADE IN AMERICA, October 23, 2024
Photographer Christopher Payne discusses the making of MADE IN AMERICA, a celebration of American manufacturing, craftsmanship, and ingenuity.

Rediscovering Miles Rock, May 2, 2024
Friends of the Libraries lecture: Rediscovering Miles Rock, a presentation and panel discussion commemorating the life and legacy of Miles Rock, one of Lehigh's first graduates in the Class of 1869, May 2, 2024.

Remica Bingham-Risher, April 23, 2024
Friends of the Libraries lecture: Creating Your Own Archive, with poet Remica Bingham-Risher, April 23, 2024
In her memoir about cultivating a writing life and her latest book of photographs and poems re-tracing family history, Remica Bingham-Risher looks at poetry as a kind of genealogy.

Elizabeth Sawin, May 24, 2023
Friends of the Libraries lecture: Elizabeth Sawin, "Multisolving: Protecting the Climate While Improving Health, Equity, Biodiversity, and Well-Being," May 24, 2023.

David Cassagrande, February 21, 2023
Friends of the Libraries lecture: David Cassagrande, "Public Perceptions of Risk and Policy Creation around the Danger of Floods in Response to Climate Change," February 21, 2023.

Lydia Pyne, December 1, 2022
Friends of the Libraries lecture: Lydia Pyne, "Postcards, Places, & Participation," December 1, 2022.

Bruce Ellingwood, November 15, 2022
Friends of the Libraries lecture: Bruce Ellingwood, “Performance Goals for Civil Infrastructure: Managing Risk in an Era of Climate Change,” November 15, 2022.

Gökçe Günel, October 20, 2022
Friends of the Libraries lecture: Gökçe Günel, “Spaceship in the Desert: Energy, Climate Change, and Urban Design in Abu Dhabi,” October 20, 2022.

Jennifer Gonzalez, September 14, 2022
Friends of the Libraries lecture: Jennifer Gonzalez, "Adapting to Climate Change in One Square Mile: Lessons Learned from Hoboken, New Jersey," September 14, 2022.

Rob Sato, October 3-4, 2022
Friends of the Libraries lecture: Rob Sato, "Paper Trail: A Conversation with Artist, Illustrator, and Writer Rob Sato," October 3-4, 2022.

Julie Phillips Brown, April 27, 2022
Friends of the Libraries lecture: Julie Phillips Brown, "The Adjacent Possible: Poems of Emergence and Relation," April 27, 2022.

Andrea Smith, April 6, 2022
Friends of the Libraries lecture: Andrea Smith, "Who Decided to Commemorate the Walking Purchase and Why: 1920s Fanfare and Local Opposition," April 6, 2022.

Dannagal G. Young, March 24, 2022
Friends of the Libraries lecture: Dannagal G. Young, "Irony and Outrage: The Polarized Landscape of Rage, Fear, and Laughter in the U.S.," March 24, 2022.

Anthony Dimaggio, February 23, 2022
Friends of the Libraries lecture: Anthony Dimaggio, "Conspiracy Theories and the Manufacture of Dissent," February 23, 2022.

Mariana De Maio, November 18, 2021
Friends of the Libraries lecture: Mariana De Maio, "Infodemic: The Pandemic of Misinformation," November 18, 2021.

Alberto Manguel, June 15, 2021
Friends of the Libraries lecture: Alberto Manguel, "From Imaginary to Reality: A Conversation with Writer, Bibliographer, Anthologist, Librarian, and Collector Alberto Manguel," June 15, 2021.

Lauren K. Alleyne, April 28, 2021
Friends of the Libraries lecture: Lauren K. Alleyne, "Reading from her latest poetry collection Honeyfish and talking about her experiences as the Assistant Director of the Furious Flower Poetry Center," April 28, 2021.

Osagie Obasogia, April 5, 2021
Friends of the Libraries lecture: Osagie Obasogia, "A Conversation with Osagie K. Obasogie on Bioethics, Race, and Health," April 5, 2021.
Friends Programs 1980 - Present
- 1981 Arthur E. Humphrey Plans for Fairchild-Martindale Library
- 1982 Terry Belanger Why Libraries should have books - And why they shouldn’t
- 1982 John M. Friedman Five Centuries of Book Illustration in Europe and America
- 1982 Daniel Traister Report on Lehigh’s Rare Book Collections
- 1982 Sheila Humphrey New Controversies in Human Nutrition
- 1983 Katherine VanEerde For Books are not Absolutely Dead Things
- 1983 Richard Boss Paperless Society: Threat or Myth
- 1983 John Vickrey A Reading from Areopagitica
- 1983 Barbara Traister A Bibliographical DEscription of the copy of the first edition of Areopagitica
- 1983 Edward Gallagher Fanny and the Professors: Expert Testimony at the Trials of Fanny Hill
- 1983 David Cundall “Audubon as a Naturalist”
- 1984 Helen Papashvily Reading, Writing and Retailing
- 1984 Zi-Qiang Zhou Chinese TRaditional Water-Ink Rice-Paper
- 1984 Barbara Nyce, John Donne: Poems and Songs
- 1984 John Speller Darwin’s Origin of Species
- 1984 Michael T. Ghiselin Life on the Earth: The Darwinian Revolution
- 1984 Richard Kostelanetz Writing in a Technological Age
- 1985 Pentawynd (concert of Jewish composers)
- 1985 Edward Evenson Why Glaciers Are Important to Man
- 1986 Edna de Angeli, Roundtable discussion on Nicaragua and Cuba
- 1986 Galen Godbey A Tour of British Cathedrals
- 1986 Robert S. Taylor Value Added Processers in Information Systems
- 1986 Dennis Shaw ?IATUL (Co-sponsored by the Friends)
- 1986 Nancy Larrick Illiteracy Begins Too Soon
- 1986 Jack De Bellis, American Literary Parody
- 1986 Brian Henkelmann Francois Couperin le Grand: Les Folies Francaises
- 1986 John Vickrey Alexander Pope: The Rape of the Lock
- 1986 Robert, Gahler, Eskimo Art
- 1987 Kenneth Carpenter Change In Libraries: the Harvard Experience
- 1987 James Hobbs Homophones and Homographs
- 1987 John Vickrey Poetry reading
- 1987 Ellis Katz 200th Anniversary of the American Constitution
- 1987 Kenneth Mears The Crown Jewels, Tower of London
- 1987 W. Ross Yates Joseph Wharton: Quaker Industrial Pioneer
- 1987 Nina Taylor Polish Literature under Martial Law
- 1988 Les Whitten’50 Books and the Active Life
- 1988 Erik Ottervik The Folk Arts of Japan: Beauty and Utility
- 1988 Susan Cady, Slow Fires: Deterioration of Books
- 1988 Diana Hanaor In Celebration of Australia’s Bicentennial Year: Informal Look at Australian Literature, 1788-1988
- 1988 Roger Goodburn On the Edge of the Roman World
- 1989 Jere Knight The Dust of a Poet: e.e. Cummings
- 1989 Simon Pepper Books, Buildings, and Social Engineering
- 1989 Harry Rinker There’s More Than One Way to Make a Living with a Lehigh History Degree than Teaching
- 1989 Jack Vickrey Poetry reading: A Thousand Years of Poetry in English
- 1989 John McV Haight The Tides of War
- 1989 Joanne S. Mortimer The French Revolution: Boon or Curse?
- 1990 Joseph Lucia “Creeping Bent” - a literary magazine
- 1990 Zdenek Slouka Waterhole II: Czechoslovakia Since the Revolution
- 1990 Jack DeBellis Poetry reading: John Updike: Just Poetry
- 1990 John F. Vickrey Poetry reading: “Scenes from English Drama, 1575-1700
- 1990 Ruth & Dick Kent A Stroll Through an English Garden
- 1990 Bruce Kirkham Editing the Letters of Harriet Beecher Stowe
- 1990 Rosanna Warren Selections from the Work of Rosanna Warren
- 1991 Dept of English Caution! Some People Consider These Books Dangerous (Read Banned Books (Friends with English Dept.)
- 1991 Rosanna Warren Poetry Reading: Selections from the Work of Rosanna Warren
- 1992 Celebrations: Proposed Unification of Europe, development of Australian Literature - Australia’s 200th anniversary - James Mack’s book
- on Matthew Flinders
- 1993 George R. Keiser Tribulation of Adam Scriveyn’s Children: or Medieval Scribes Confront John Lydgate
- 1993 Rosanna Warren Poetry
- 1994 David Greene Four talks on musical topics - luncheon lectures
- 1995 David Greene Seven talks on musical topics - ditto
- 1996 David Greene Four talks on musical topics - ditto
- 1997 Gordon Bearn War in the Age of Intelligent Machines by Manuel De Landa
- 1997 Philip Metzger Doing It Right: Preserving Papers, Books and Photographic Materials at Home
- 1997 James Largay, Red Victory: A History of the Russian Civil War by W.B. Lincoln
- 1998 Barbara Traister Discussion of Straight Man by Richard Russo
- 1998 Richard Russo Reads his work Straight Man, Twilight
- 1998 Ron Yoshida Rubber Bullets by Yaron Ezrahi
- 1998 Barbara Dimmick The Spirit of Place in Fiction
- 1998 Joseph Lucia Reasons for Love: A Harvest of Poetry
- 1998 Rick Weisman The Human Side of Engineering
- 1998 Geoff Gehman Eric Knight: A Life in Letters
- 1999 Geraldo VasconcellosThe World’s Game: A History of Soccer by Bill Murray
- 1999? Robert Thornton, Humor in the Workplace
- 2000 Terry Gross NPR commentator
- 2001 Sue Cady, Double Fold: Libraries and the Assault on Paper
- 2001 Kashi Johnson Talk Radio
- 2001 Connie Cook Waiting
- 2001 John Y. Cole “The Role of the Book in the Electronic Age”
- 2002 James Fallows Reflections & Refractions : the 21st Century
- 2002 Steve Krawiec Mapping the Genome
- 2002 Julia Blixrud Creating Change in Scientific Journals
- 2002 Barbara Traister A Lehigh Trustee’s Journal
- 2002 Sally Pont Fields of Honor
- 2002 Augustine Ripa Style, Not Sincerity
- 2002? Judith Adams-Volpe Torrents, Tunnels, Turbines, Technocrats
- 2002 Lauren Belfer City of Light2003 Frances Mayes A Evening with Author of Under the Tuscan Sun
- 2003 Lori Bolden, Nickel and Dimed at Lehigh
- 2003 John Pettegrew Freedom, Security and the USA Patriot Act: Do We Have to Choose
- 2003 Frank Pazzaglia, Slate, Sinkholes, and Cement: A Digital Field Trip in the David Anastasio Lehigh Valley
- 2003 Tarana Dance, one of Lehigh’s newest student clubs
- 2003 Michael Raposa Reviews “The Emperor of Ocean Park” by Stephen Carter
- 2004 Paul S. Larson The Bach Choir at Lehigh: Origins of a Unique Town/Gown Tradition
- 2004 Pam Pepper Night Sky
- 2004 Echo: A Warm Winter Concert by Lehigh’s new female a cappella group
- 2004 Matthew Pearl The Dante Club : a Review and Discussion
- 2004 Matthew Pearl Hell, History and Mystery: A New England Inferno
- 2004 Cindy Ratzlaff The South Beach Diet : Anatomy of a Best-seller
- 2004 Beall Fowler, Copenhagen
- 2004 Alex Levine, Team Teaching the Digital Copernicus
- 2004 Megan Norcia Victorian Women Map the Empire
- 2004 La Bomba! South Mountain Mariachi band
- 2004 Pam Pepper Desire Under the Elms
- 2005 Ilhan Citak Snow , review of Turkish novelist Orhan Pamuk
- 2005 Gary DeLeo The Solar System and Planet Lehigh
- 2005 Bob Watts Past Providence Poetry
- 2005 Steven Sametz Celebrating Choral Music
- 2005 David Kent Publishing in a Digital World
- 2005 James Bohning The Lady behind the Lehigh Legacy Sophia Coxe
- 2005 James McBride The Color of Water: A Black Man’s Tribute to his White Mother
- 2005 Jean Johnson, Discussion about the Color of Water
- 2005 Erica Hoelscher, “For the apparel oft proclaims the man”
- 2005 Friends Linderman Launch: Intermezzo for an Intermezzo
- 2006 Gregory Skutches Paragraphs, Punctuation and Pedagogy
- 2006 LU Press [book launch] Chronicle of a Black Musician in 19th Century Philadelphia: Francis Johnson
- 2006 Steven F. Firtko, You Are Here: Scholarship & Geographical Information Systems
- 2006? Edward L. Ayers What Caused the Civil War: A Digital Triangulation
- 2006 Digital Library What’s New in Special Collections? “The Vault at Pfaff’s”
- 2006 Friends Welcome Lois Fischer Black
- 2006 Philip & Muriel Berman Papers
- 2006? Ian Duffy, Villainy Detected!
- 2007 John McPhee An Uncommon Author: Readings from Pulitzer Prize Winner
- 2007 Mellismatics in Concert - a cappella singers
- 2007 Jack Lule Going Global: What’s It All About?
- 2007 Ken Woodcock Historic House Museum Development: Contagious Nature of Historic Preservation
- 2007 Scott Gordon Lehigh University Press: A Vision for the Future
- 2007 Lois Fischer Black Home to Roost: Ornithological Collections at Lehigh
- 2007 John Kenley Smith Introducing the Beyond Steel Digital Archive
- 2007 Joshua W.C. Cutler Stages of the Path to Enlightenment : An Overview of the Great Treatise
- 2008 Christine Guenther The Global Economy of the Digital Brown and White
- 2008 Anne Kelly Knowles GIS: An Innovative Tool for Historical Research
- 2008 Elizabeth D. Samet Soldier’s Heart: Reading Literature through Peace and War
- 2008 Bruce Sinclair, Educating America’s Engineers: Historical Perspectives
- 2008 Daniel Lopresti Making Every E-Vote Count: Electronic Voting Cultivating Trust
- 2008 Gregory Reihman Lehigh Life on Second Life: What’s It All About?
- 2008 Lance Kasparian William McPherson and the Linderman Skylight
- 2009 Ilhan Citak Extra! Extra! The Brown and White Digital Archive
- 2009 Gregory Skutches Lehigh’s TRAC Writing Fellows: A Faculty/Student Partnership
- 2009 Lance Kasparian Stained Glass Windows at Lehigh University
- 2009 Charles Agvent The Limited Editions Club: A “Pairing of Art and Literature”
- 2010 Jean Johnson, E-Books: Are We There Yet?
- 2010 Jeremy Littau Twitter: The Wisdom of the Crowds, and the Power of Conversation
- 2010 Kathleen Olson The Google Settlement: Implications for Libraries, Authors & The Public
- 2010 Don Hillman Party On! Celebrating Service & Research at Mart, Fairchild
- 2010 Paul Rosier Pennsylvania Environment History: From Earth Day 1970 to Global Warming
- 2010 Howard Ernst The Political Deadzone: Environmental Degradation2010 Nikolai P. Nikolov Is Architecture Sustainable? Contemporary Issues & The Built Environment
- 2010 Mark Lause American Bohemianism
- 2011 Katherine Faull The Susquehanna’s Treasured Landscapes
- 2011 Brian Storm Emmy Award-Winning Digital Storyteller
- 2011 David Szewczyk Travel: Travails, Treasures, and Tokens
- 2012 Jenna Lay Nuns and the Literature of Religious Controversy in Reformation England
- 2012 Marshall Breeding, “Library Technology”
- 2013 Nick Wilding How to Spot a Fake Galileo
- 2014 Annie Johnson Profiting from Learning: Selling Reference Books in Nineteenth-Century America
- 2014 Andrew Stauffer Digitization and the Nineteenth-Century Book: Traces in the Stacks
- 2014 Lara Langer Cohen The Depths of Astonishment: Nineteenth-Century Underground Literature
- 2015 Justin Jaworski, “Understanding the Silent Flight of Owls”
- 2015 Michael F. Suarez, “What the Digital Delivers -- and Why the Book Still Matters”
- 2015 William J. Bulman, “Digitizing Democracy”
- 2016 Sonnet Slam! 400th Anniversary of Shakespeare’s death
- 2016 Heather Joseph, “Open Access Bit By Bit”
- 2016 Alfred Barcan, “A Collector’s Passion and Scholar’s Delight: An Overview of the Deborah and Alfred Judson Barcan Collection of Illustrated Books”
- 2016 Nikki Giovanni, Poetry
- 2016 Annabella Pitkin, “Grief, Love, and Memory in Modern Tibetan Buddhism”
- 2017 Stephen Buonopane, “Nineteenth Century Suspension Bridges of John A. Roebling”
- 2017 Rebecca Traister, “Big Girls Don’t Cry and All the Single Ladies”
- 2017 Haiyan Jia Getting, “Your News from Facebook, Twitter or a Robot”
- 2018 William Noel, “Special Collections as Data: Historic Materials and Their Digital Dissemination”
- 2018 Patrick Connolly, “The Crisis of Newtonianism: Philosophy, Religion, and Science in Early Modern Britain”
- 2019 Eric P. S. Baumer, “Diaries as Data - How a Computer Scientist Taught an English Professor How to Read the Most Valuable Documents of Walt Whitman's Bohemian Period”
- 2019 UMOJA House Family Gallery Exhibit
- 2019 Marshall Breeding, “Library Technology”
- 2019 Mark Connar, “Preservation of the Friedensville Mine Site President Pump Jerry Lennon Engine House”
- 2019 Michele Kimpton, “Preserving the Scholarly Record”
- 2020 Sirry Alang, "Anti-Racism as Action"
- 2020 Kathy Peiss, “Information Hunters, When Librarians, Soldiers, and Spies Banded Together in World War II Europe”
- 2020 Nicholas Herman, “Making the Renaissance Manuscript: Discoveries from Philadelphia Libraries
- 2020 Pete Souza talk and exhibit, “Obama, an Intimate Portrait”
- 2020 Kathy Peiss, “Information Hunters, When Librarians, Soldiers, and Spies Banded Together in World War II Europe”
- 2020 Nicholas Herman, “Making the Renaissance Manuscript: Discoveries from Philadelphia Libraries”
- 2020 Sirry Alang, "Anti-Racism as Action"
David Greene Musical Lectures for Friends of the Libraries (1982-1994)
- In Celebration of Richard Wagner 1813-1883
- In Celebration of William Shakespeare
- In Celebration of Johannes Brahms 1833-1897
- A Memorial to Cathy Berberian
- Great American Baritone (Part I)
- American Pop
- Great American Baritone (Part II) Lawrence Tibbett
- Featured Composers and Authors: Brahms, Grieg, Debussy, Barber, Tolstoy, O.Henry
- Great American Baritone (Part III)
- John McCormack
- Richard Tauber
- Verdi’s “La forza del destino”
- Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau
- Some Centenaries (1885-1895), (1887-1987), (1989), (1992), (1993), (1994)
- Avast, Me Hearties! A Consideration of Non-terroristic Piracy in Our Time
- Peter Warlock
- Low Sounds from the Evil Empire
- George Frideric Handel
- Caruso Admirers, Imitators, Successors
- Some Bulgarians
- Great Singers Sing Bach
- Songs for the Season
- Jussi Bjoerling
- “In Memoriam” Sir Peter Neville Pears
- “Some Black Singers”
- The Geriatric Crowd
- Songs My Father Taught Me
- Great Italian Tenors
- The Singer as Athlete
- Some Forgotten Italian Tenors
- Gerhard Huesch
- The Songs of A. E. Housman
- Opera in English
- The Golden Age
- Transcriptions
- The French Tenor: An Endangered Species
- The Great Gate at Kiev
- Elisabeth Schumann, 1888-1952
- Coloratura
- Emilio de Gogorza, 1874-1949
- The Lieder, Ballads, and Legends of Kari Loewe
- A Chorus of Detectives (novels with Metropolitan Opera as a setting)
- Jan De Gaetani, 1933-1989
- The Willard Scott Testimonial Centenary Tally
- Singers I Have Known (Sort of)
- They Never Sang with the Met
- Ezio Pinza
- Ernestine Schumann-Heink
- Alexander Kipnis
- Cole Porter
- John Charles Thomas
- Pagliacci
- Joan Morris and William Bolcom
- America’s Sweethearts
- Rossini before Marilyn (Horne)
- Brief Lives
- Tower of Babel
- The Lyric Tenor
- Season’s Greetings
- Canaries
- Collecting
- Sic transit gloria
- Marian Anderson
- Two Great Bassos: R.I.P.
- Noel? Oh Well
- Italian Baritones I & II
Brown Bag (Lunch) Book Reviews (1987-1993)
- Reviewer: Prof. Raymond Bell “Blessings in Disguise” by Alec Guiness Rev. Hugh Flesher “Roger’s Version” by John Updike
- Prof. Roger Simon “Crisis in Bethlehem: Big Steel’s Struggle to Survive” By John Stroehmeyer
- Prof. Barry Bean “Literate Sperm Cells - Their View of the World”
- Prof. Benjamin Litt “Transitions: Making Sense of Life’s Changes” by William Bridges
- Prof. Charles Sclar “The Thirteenth Tribe: The Khazar Empire and its Heritage” By Arthur Koestler
- Prof. Joseph Dowling “Look Homeward: a Life of Thomas Wolfe” by David H. Donald
- Prof. Albert Wilansky “A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black Holes” By Stephen W. Hawking
- Prof. Yong W. Kim “Chaos: Making a New Science” by James Gleick
- Prof. John E. Hare “After Virtue: A Study in Moral Theory” by Alasdair MacIntyre
- Prof. R. Allen Moran “Arctic Grail: The Quest for the North West Passage and the North Pole 1818-1909” by Pierre Berton
- Ms. June West “Writing to Learn: How to Write -- and Think -- Clearly About Any Subject at All” by William K. Zinsser
- Prof. James A. Largay “Cavalier in Buckskin: George Armstrong Custer and the Western Military Frontier” by Robert M. Utley
- Prof. James A. Largay “Son of the Morning Star: Custer and the Little Bighorn” by Evan S. Connell
- Prof. David C. Amidon “An Empire of Their Own: How the Jews Invented Hollywood” by Neal Gabler
- Prof. David J. Leahigh “Destructive Generation: Second Thoughts About the 60’s” by Peter Collier and David Horowitz
- Prof. Jerry P. King “Poodle Springs” by Raymond Chandler and Robert B. Parker
- Prof. Raymond L. Horton “Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of History” by Stephen Jay Gould
- Prof. Frank R. Gunter “The Greek Generals Talk: Memoirs of the Trojan War” by Phillip Parotti
- Prof. Eli Schwartz “Memoirs: Fifty Years of Political Reflections” by Raymond Aron
- Prof. Erwin J. Kugelman “Who Wrote the Bible?” by Richard E. Friedman
- Prof. Leonard A. Wenzel “Love in the Time of Cholera” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
- Mrs. Anne Thomas “Almost a Revolution” by Shen Tong and Marianne Yen
- Ms. Jean M. Johnson “Italian Days” by Barbara Grizzuti Harrison
- Prof. Steven Krawiec “The Politics of Rich and Poor: The American Electorate In the Reagan Aftermath’ by Kevin P. Phillips
- Prof. Robert C. Williamson “Bernard Shaw: The Pursuit of Power 1898-1918”
- Prof. Donald M. Smyth “Saint Joan of Arc” by Vita Sackville-West and “Joan of Arc: the Legend and the Reality” by Frances Gies
- Dr. Philip A. Metzger “Memoirs of Hector Berlioz” by David Cairns
- Prof. Edna S. DeAngeli “Prayer of Owen Meany” by John Irving
- Prof. W. Beall Fowler “What Do You Care What Other People Think?” by Richard P. Feynman
- Prof. Carol Sloan Swindle “Brief Lives” by Anita Brookner
- Prof. Gilbert Stengle “Make Room for Lucia” by E. F. Benson
- Mr. Addison C. Bross “Beyond the Culture Wars: How Teaching the Conflicts Can Revitalize American Education” by Gerald Graff
- Mr. Michael R. Kuchka “Harlot’s Ghost” by Norman Mailer