Research Support

The LTS Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning provides technology support for student and faculty researchers through their Digital Research and Scholarship Team. Supported technologies include GIS (ArcGIS and QGIS), Google Earth Engine, programming languages (R, Python, and SQL), generative AI, and data visualization platforms such as Tableau and Shiny.

Supported Projects

Below is a list of just a few of the research projects and types of support that we have provided:

  • Lehigh Valley Breathes - a project funded by Lehigh and Northampton Counties to obtain and communicate localized information about particulate air pollution in the Lehigh Valley. Support includes data pipeline development, student training, and public facing data visualizations.
    PI - Dr. Breena Holland
  • Socio-environmental science investigations (SESI) - an NSF funded project that develops a geospatial curriculum design for high school students that provides opportunities for students to collaborate, seek evidence, problem-solve, develop geospatial thinking and reasoning skills, and practice communication skills, all of which are essential for the STEM workforce. Support includes GIS administration and training.
    PI - Dr. Tom Hammond
  • Pennsylvania Asthma-COPD Syndromic Surveillance (PASS) - an NSF funded project that aims to develop an early-warning system, adapted to the historical environmental and social vulnerabilities of Pennsylvania citizens to chronic respiratory syndrome. Support includes GIS administration, student training, and public facing data visualizations.
    PI - Dr. Hyunok Choi

And More!