- Libraries hours
- LTS Help Desk hours
- Student Technology and Repair Service (STARS) hours
- Digital Media Lab hours
Linderman Library
30 Library Drive
Asa Packer Campus
Lehigh University
Bethlehem, PA 18015
(610) 758-3030
Google Map Directions to Linderman Library
After parking your car in the Alumni Memorial Building Parking Pavilion, you will need to walk to Linderman Library. Upon exiting the Alumni Memorial Building, you will see a grass courtyard and a flagpole. Slightly uphill from the flagpole, there is a convenient walkway across campus that runs in front of the University Center. Linderman Library is the stone building located at the end of the walkway.
Fairchild-Martindale Library and Computing Center
8A East Packer Avenue
Asa Packer Campus
Lehigh University
Bethlehem, PA 18015
(610) 758-4992
Google Map Directions to the Fairchild-Martindale Library and Computing Center
From the Alumni Memorial Building at the intersection of Summit Street and Brodhead Avenue, make a right onto Brodhead Avenue and go down the hill. When you get to the stop sign, make a right onto West Packer Avenue. At Vine Street, make a left. Then take a right onto Asa Drive. E.W. Fairchild-Martindale Library will be the second building on your right, at the top of the stairs.
Campus visitor parking information