Lehigh’s Strategic Plan aims to understand the intersection of technology and human work. The technologies that create this crossroads are rapidly changing. In response, Library and Technology Services has been creating spaces that provide access to both technology and staff that support its use. The most recent addition is the LTS Emerging Technologies (LETs) Lab, which is located in the former Digital Media Studio (DMS) Photography and Videography Studio (EWFM 430).
Designed to be a collaborative space on campus, LETs Lab creates an environment for students, faculty, and staff to experiment with emerging and advancing technologies (e.g., XR, Generative AI, GIS and drone technology) and consult with LTS staff who support these technologies. The LETs Lab also creates a common space to highlight work being done in other LTS digital making spaces, including the Student Developer Lab, the XR Learning Lab, and the Digital Media Lab. As Lehigh seeks to promote a community of Future Makers, LETs Lab adds infrastructure to an environment meant to foster innovative and interdisciplinary work.
The LETs Lab features a 98" display, two Alienware PC workstations, 8 moveable tables, and 14 chairs.
For LETs Lab inquiries, please fill out a help ticket with the Instructional Technology team.