Are you interested in learning more about AI and copyright? If so, please consider registering for a free webinar sponsored by the LVAIC Information Literacy Group.
Copyright updates: Is AI the next frontier in copyright’s struggle to keep up? Presented by Kevin Smith, Director of Libraries at Colby College and national expert in copyright law
Tuesday, May 23, 2023, via Zoom
1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Register now
Copyright law always lags behind the development of new technologies, and many of the most interesting controversies arise in the gaps. Fair use, of course, exists to help address these issues, but, when confronted with the new capabilities of machine learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI), fair use may not be enough.
In this session we will discuss the latest cases and controversies about AI, including two recent lawsuits. We will look at these issues with an eye to how they impact all of the planning on campuses right now about ChatGPT. We will consider how the many uncertainties about the copyright status of AI inputs, tools, and outputs impact the process of litigation and the available defenses. Because fair use is such an important part of this discussion, we will pay attention to the case currently pending before the Supreme Court of Goldsmith v. Andy Warhol Foundation for the Arts.
Please join us! Register now.
The 2023 LVAIC Information Literacy Symposium is made possible through a grant from the Lehigh Valley Association of Independent Colleges (LVAIC).