Lehigh University Libraries announced that Kathleen Dugan will retire on November 3rd after 25 years of service at Linderman Library. Kathleen's responsibilities include coordinating the public service desk, circulating library materials, supporting groups and events in the Library, and managing evening and weekend coverage at both Libraries with graduate student supervisors. "I feel that customer service is the most important part of my job. Most of the tasks I perform on a daily basis are to ensure that our patrons receive the best service possible."
During the building renovation of Linderman Library between 2005-2007, Kathleen helped coordinate Library services and access to Library collections. "All the books were emptied from Linderman and staged at various locations where we would page them for students and faculty who asked for them. We made daily trips to Lafayette College where many of the books were temporarily kept." Kathleen helped implement various Library services over the years including PALCI EZBorrow, Paging, Office Delivery and Scan and Deliver.
“As library coordinator I facilitated many groups and events through the years at Linderman: Board of Trustees meetings, Friends of the Libraries, Pride Center and Lehigh After Dark events, Faculty Authors, seminars, workshops, speakers and many more events.” One memorable event at Linderman was a Halloween celebration coordinated with Lehigh After Dark: "Lucy's Escape." An escape room was set up in the library stacks with a special appearance by Lucy Linderman. Another special event was the Pride Center Ball: "The Rotunda was transformed into a ballroom and there were incredible dancers who showcased their skill and flexibility. It was a wonderful evening of music, dancing, and unity. These events where the campus community came together to have a good time and see that those with different identities and cultures are not so different from each other after all were definitely the highlights of my time in Linderman and at Lehigh, in fact."
In 2019, Kathleen received the Louis & Helen Zirkel Library Staff Award for her service to the University. "Kathleen has distinguished herself over the years by her outreach to the Lehigh community," says Lending Services Manager Mark Canney, “She was one of the first to Chair the LTS Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee. She has been an Advocate with the Gender Violence Education and Support Office, a member of the Executive Committee of the Council for Equity and Community (CEC), a Facilitator for the Office of First Year Experience (OFYE), and many other campus activities."
“Kathleen has impacted thousands of students and researchers over the years,” says University Librarian Boaz Nadav-Manes. “Her career has been about providing access to the historic collection and caring for the facilities at Linderman Library. And she has been a trusted friend with many service organizations across campus. She has set a very high standard for volunteering and outreach by LTS staff and is known as a highly accountable student supervisor. We will miss her practical energy and enthusiasm very much.”
Congratulations Kathleen on an outstanding career providing Library resources and the profound impact you made on the Lehigh campus by your volunteer and service activities. Happy retirement!