Titles: Associate Professor of Chinese, Associate Chair
College/Department: Modern Languages & Literatures
CHIN 191 CHIN 191 - Special Topics: Chinese Creative Writing
Proposal: This Chinese Creative Writing course will shift from a traditional focus on literary forms (fiction, essay, poetry) to a more accessible approach. Students will write and illustrate two bilingual children's books, one per half of the semester. This format is ideal for language learners, as children's literature uses simpler language and often reflects cultural values. Students will collaborate, taking turns as authors and illustrators, fostering peer learning. The final bilingual books will be shared with local schools and libraries, and YouTube readings will be created for global reach.
MLL/ASIA 078 - Asian-American Studies
Proposal: This course will emphasize public-facing work, moving away from traditional exams and papers. Students will create and deliver TED-style talks at the end of the semester, focusing on compelling storytelling and powerful, personal arguments related to course themes. These talks will be visually engaging and have the potential to be shared widely, allowing students to develop valuable public speaking and communication skills.
Student Enrollment: 20
CITL/I&O Collaborators: Tarah Cicero, Jarett Brown & Allen Kingsbury