Confluence is a commercial, web-based bulletin board system, or wiki. It's particularly well-suited to standing committees, project teams, or research groups that need to provide a central repository for collecting and sharing information regarding ongoing projects. The system can provide a highly granular level of access control and capabilities to individual users, as well as publish information to the entire Web.
Lehigh has installed the system on an in-house server, and provides workspaces to any relatively permanent university team or group. Most features are fairly well documented inside Confluence itself on its internal help pages, but LTS staff are also available to assist if needed.
To get started with your personal Confluence space, open a web browser and go to The system provides a great deal of its own documentation (look for the question mark icon in the upper right), and allows you to add your own comments or ask questions in many pages, and those comments are emailed to the authors of those pages.
To create a new workspace for a department or research group, fill out the help request form, and select 'Instructional Technology' or 'Web and Mobile Apps Development'.