Institutional Purchases for Faculty and Staff

Lehigh University is directing all computer purchases through CDW-G Unimarket as follows:  Apple computer purchases (effective March 1, 2024), Lenovo Computers (effective April 1, 2024) and Dell computers (effective May 1, 2024). In order to configure a computer yourself, you will need to request a Lehigh Unimarket account. Once you have a Lehigh Unimarket account, you will be able to access the CDW-G Unimarket catalog. Library and Technology Services supports Apple, Dell, and Lenovo computers. Please select the brand below to get started (you need a Unimarket account to move any further in the process if you are ordering Apple).  Dell and Lenovo vendors are still ordered the previous way. Clicking on one of those will direct you to the instructions for obtaining a quote.  If you have further questions, visit our Computer Purchasing FAQ 

Personal Purchases for Faculty and Staff

As a Faculty or Staff member at Lehigh, you may purchase an Apple, Dell, or Lenovo computer for personal use at a discount. Please select the brand below to get started.